Helen has been teaching Yoga and Creative Dance to children for six years and has been regularly practicing both during that time. She has completed both her Creative Dance and Yoga training under the guidance of Peter Hockey of Mangala Studios of Yoga and Creative Dance. Prior to teaching yoga and dance, Helen worked in the I.T. industry.
Helen feels that her training has provided her with an understanding of the true essence of yoga. Her training has been greatly inspired by the teachings of TKV Desikachar, son of Sri T Krishnamacharya who strongly emphasized the concept of vinyasa krama – structuring a yoga practice intelligently, using a step by step approach.
Within her class, the yoga principle of ‘sthira’ and ‘’sukha’ (steadiness and comfort) are greatly emphasized for each individual. All asanas are gradually moved into, using a sequential approach that uses the breath as the link. Helen sees the entire class as a meditation. The focus is on the spirit that is created by the practice, rather than the achievement of the ‘perfect’ asana. Her aim is to encourage each student to be really ‘present’ during their practice so that they can feel the inner peace that yoga brings.
Helen is a Level 1 member of Yoga Australia. Helen’s classes are beginner to intermediate and consist of asana, pranayama and relaxation.